Produce your
own electricity at a cost
of around 11 cents per kWh
Produce your
own electricity at a cost
of around 11 cents per kWh
Sunfarming Home Solar for private customers
Are you also annoyed by the constantly-increasing electricity prices? Then simply produce your own electricity on your roof. This will not only reduce your electricity costs over decades, you will also be making a key contribution to the energy transition. The state will support you in this investment with the EEG (Renewable Energy Act). Electricity that you do not need in your household can be fed into the public grid at a fixed price for the next 20 years. Also in the storage systems, the state supports you with a subsidy to the acquisition costs.
Your benefits at a glance
Electricity that you produce yourself is cheaper and increases your independence from rising electricity prices
Surplus electricity produced is fed into the grid and paid for over 20 years (EEG)
Environmentally-friendly, pioneering technology with secure returns
The example of a family of four with a single-family house
5 kWp SUNfarming PV system
years of own electricity (minimum)
kg CO2 savings
Customer opinions
We begun using our SUNfarming solar unit one and a half years ago and were very satisfied from the very beginning. The qualified assembly team ensured prompt and smooth assembly, with the result that we were able to start up the unit on time as planned. With regard to returns, our expectations have been exceeded.
Peters family, Bergedorf
Year of construction 2014, 6.24 kWp, share of own consumption approx. 40 %
My SUNfarming solar unit has been running to my full satisfaction for 4 years now. The SUNfarming quality assurance system enabled good conditions for the financing loan at my bank. Interest and loan were covered by the revenues from the solar electricity. My SUNfarming solar unit has generated a small surplus each year, which is useful for holidays. And the environment is happy because of lower CO2 emissions thanks to green solar electricity from my own roof.
U. Eckmann, Schalkholz
Year of construction 2010, output 20 kWp, full feed-in
It's this simple
We draw up a free estimate, individually tailored to your roof. On request, we are also happy to advise you on site.
Our professional 3D software analyses your system, we simulate and discuss with you the rooftop layout plan and the detailed economic viability calculations.
A PV system for your house can be installed in just 3 days. Meter installation application, declaration of completion as per EEG and documentation of the system are all part of the service for us.
Pitched roof,
Alt Plestlin, 7,68 Kwp
Fürstenwalde, 3,06 kWp, may 2015, SUNfarming pv-modules CE235-60P (255 Wp)
SUNfarming carport with loading station for e-cars
2,55 Kwp, november 2013
SUNfarming pv-modul CE 260-60M, 255 Wp
With SUNfarming you benefit from quality and experience