

Intersolar Europe 2016 is over

High visitor interest in future-oriented SUNfarming projects

Intersolar Europe 2016, the largest solar fair of the world, is over. The enthusiastic and continued interest in our products was repeatedly underlined at the trade fair and our SUNfarmer have led many informative discussions about our sustainable, future-oriented projects. The SUNfarming seized the opportunity, not only to present its business to a wide audience, but there were also many concrete business talks for current and future projects with customers and suppliers as well as banks, investors and politicians.

Thomas Silberhorn, State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, informed himself in an interview with Peter Schrum, founder of SUNfarming group, on the outstanding developmental chances of our newest product "SUNfarming Food & Energy Project".
Hans-Josef Fell, former Member of the German Bundestag and together with Hermann Scheer "father" of the EEG, was a guest on our booth. Many years of political commitment in the conversion of conventional energy to renewable energy, connect Hans-Josef Fell and Peter Schrum in his capacity as Honorary President of the BRM (Federal Association for Renewable Mobility e.V.).
With the DKB we have a longstanding and successful cooperation. As a reference project DKB showed this year the SUNfarming solar park in Friedland/Germany, with a total capacity of 23.1 MWp and an investment of 35.1 million euros.
The board of DKB Tilo Hacke and the head of department "business customers" Matthias Etzold, spoke with Martin Tauschke, CEO and co-founder of SUNfarming, on the issues of project development and financing in Germany on " physical structures " in 2016 and project financing for clean and cheaper solar power supply for municipalities by SUNfarming solar systems.
"We are very satisfied with the exhibition days! Besides existing customers we were able to make many new contacts that are very useful for us on the path of internationalization of the project business. We will be back next year", says Martin Tauschke.


SUNfarming at the Intersolar in Munich

SUNfarming at the Intersolar , the world's largest solar trade fair in Munich,
from 22 to 24/06/2016

Also this year the SUNfarming GmbH is represented at the world's leading trade fair for the solar industry.
We warmly welcome you at our booth B3.260 in Hall B3!

We would like to talk to you about the following topics:

SUNfarming as a project-developer and invest-controller for capital investors and banks:
We have already successfully realized projects for 400 MW of capacity, 70 MW as own PV investments.
7,7% more yield in 2014, 9,7% more yield in 2015 at all SUNfarming plants!*

(*Averaging additional yield compared to yield calculated)

SUNfarming Own-Electricity-Concept for municipalities and commercials:
0 % investment costs, 10 % electricity cost savings (minimum) in the first 10 years (SF own electricity concept), 100 % CO2 savings

SUNfarming Food & Energy Projects:
Based on our own development, the unique SUNfarming agro-solar greenhouses deliver education + jobs + food production + energy security where they are currently needed

SUNfarming International:
We present project from UK, Turkey, Netherlands and Africa

SUNfarming Solar-Training-Centres in Peru and South Africa:
400 trainees until 2015 in South Africa, 40 trainees in Peru since project start in 2015
Our commitment does not end with support.

SUNfarming Home Solar:
Produce your own electricity on your roof for around 11 Cent/kWh

We speak your language: German, English, Turkish, Spanish

We are looking forward to your visit.