Minister President Woidke


Federal President Steinmeier visits the largest German Agri-Solar project

Federal President Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, accompanied by Dr. Dietmar Woidke, Minister President of Brandenburg, visited the largest German Agri-Solar project in May as part of his series "Workshop of Change" in Steinhöfel, Brandenburg.

SUNfarming Group's Managing Director Martin Tauschke and Project Developer Heiner Kamper presented the project. The SUNfarming Group combines agriculture and solar power production in this innovative project to promote efficient use of agricultural land and increase energy generation from renewable sources.
The presentation of SUNfarming's agricultural concept generated great interest among the politicians. The project enables the keeping of mother cows, sheep, and chickens, as well as the cultivation of various vegetables, fruits, and medicinal herbs under the solar modules. SUNfarming will conduct intensive research projects in cooperation with the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V. from Müncheberg to determine the optimal uses for Agri-Solar systems.

Dr. Dietmar Woidke emphasized the importance of Agri-Solar projects for preserving agricultural land and increasing societal acceptance for such innovations.

The government particularly supports the dual use of land for agricultural production combined with solar energy generation. Agri-Solar simultaneously secures food and energy supply for the population.