Agritechnica had an above-average number of visitors. The SUNfarming stand was one of the visitor magnets.

This is what agrarheute writes in an article from 17 November 2023
Agritechnica highlight from the Energy Hall: Agri-Photovoltaics from SUNfarming.
This highlight from Agritechnica is not a horsepower powerhouse, but a clever photovoltaic system from the Energy Hall 24. Sun Farming offers agrivoltaics with extra-high mounts: There is enough space under the 3.60 metre high modules to provide shelter for cattle or chickens, for example. But special crops such as blueberries also find space and a good climate here.
Find out what makes them special in the video. Video-Link agrarheute: Vielseitige Agri-Photovoltaik für Rinderhalter

The dual use of land for the purpose of keeping cattle and other animals in an animal welfare-friendly manner as well as the protection of biodiversity and fallow land against adverse weather conditions and dehydration and the protection of special crops such as fruit and wine against excessive sunlight, hail, frost, etc. are currently important topics for the expansion of renewable energies on agricultural land.

Among the interested visitors to our stand, alongside many landowners, were the Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir, the President of the Chamber of Agriculture Ute Volquardsen and the President of the Landvolkes Niedersachsen Dr Holger Hennies. Among other things, they learnt about the holistic solutions with our self-developed substructures, rainwater distribution and bifacial glass-glass modules.

"Many farmers at Agritechnica are considering purchasing our Agri-PV systems with light and water management under the system as a farm-related system as an investment or for their own energy supply. The main applications are animal runs for cattle or poultry," explains Edith Brasche, Managing Director of Project Development. "In this way, animal welfare can be ideally combined with the dual use of the land and protection against climate change as well as CO2 reduction. SUNfarming has its roots in agriculture, which is highly valued by our customers when it comes to agricultural utilisation concepts and profitability considerations," says Edith Brasche.

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