Our stand proudly presented the innovative SUNfarming Umbrella System, which was developed in close cooperation with our research partner "Esteburg Obstbauzentrum Jork".
Here are some of the highlights:
- Efficient dual use of land: together with fruit growers, we have created a system that enables efficient dual use of agricultural land.
- Preservation of agricultural land status: Our system guarantees 100% preservation of agricultural land status with all tax and financial benefits.
- Especially for sensitive permanent crops: The SUNfarming Umbrella System is specially designed for sensitive permanent crops such as pome fruit, stone fruit, soft fruit and vines, with a particular focus on apples and sweet cherries.
- Protection against yield damage: We offer reliable protection against yield damage caused by precipitation and sunburn.
- Microclimate to reduce water consumption: By creating a favourable microclimate, we help to reduce water consumption.
- Reduction of pesticides: Our system enables a large reduction in crop protection products.
- Higher EEG remuneration for Agri-PV: Comply with DIN SPEC 91434 and benefit from a higher EEG remuneration for Agri-PV.
- Privileged construction of on-farm agri-PV: On-farm agri-PV construction up to 2.5 ha is possible, but only with a building application.
We will be happy to provide you with further information or a non-binding feasibility analysis. Contact our Head of Agri-PV fruit growing, Thomas Reimers, at t.reimers@sunfarming.de or by telephone on +49 (0) 170 29 49 445.
Discover the future of fruit growing with the SUNfarming Umbrella System. We offer customised solutions for your individual needs!
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