In our SF Food & Energy facilities near the Syrian border, around 75 people are trained each week in the organic cultivation of vegetables and sustainable chicken husbandry for egg production under and between the rows of modules in our solar parks. In our own shops, the food produced contributes to the self-sufficiency of the people.

On an area of 25,000 square meters, the latest SUNfarming Food & Energy Training Center offers highly interesting prospects for the region in terms of development policy. Near the Syrian border, connected to the Cevdetiye refugee camp in Osmaniye, thousands of refugees and people from the region will find training and work in the coming years.

“Our goal is 1000 certified participants in Food & Energy by the end of November 2020, explains Peter Schrum, founder of the SUNfarming Group and main shareholder. “The aim of the project is to train entrepreneurs in the organic food sector and as photovoltaic technicians for renewable energies. This Food & Energy Training Project is intended to serve as a blue print for further development investments in Turkey and Syria in the future. The project is helping Syria and Turkey as well“, so Peter Schrum continues.

SUNfarming Food & Energy is a PPP project in cooperation with DEG / KfW.

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