The GIZ team of the Project Development Programme (PEP) was received by Peter Schrum, founder and shareholder of SUNfarming, as well as David Morr, Head of the Research and Development Department and other SUNfarming staff.
The GIZ team works on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) within the framework of the Energy Export Initiative with the aim of disseminating climate-friendly energy solutions and supporting market access for German and European small and medium-sized enterprises in selected cooperation countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and Asia. This also strengthens economic development in the partner countries and contributes to international climate protection. In addition to classic rooftop PV systems, there is growing interest in these countries for the dual use of agriculture and energy transition through agri-PV systems.
The visitors were given a detailed insight into the developments and technologies in the field of Agri-PV. From the efficient use of solar energy to the integration into agricultural operations - the experts from SUNfarming showed how sustainable energy generation and agriculture go hand in hand.
From the efficient use of solar energy to integration into agricultural operations - the experts from SUNfarming showed how sustainable energy production and agriculture can go hand in hand.
During a joint tour, Michael Bleiker, farm manager in Rathenow, gave the visitors an insight into the research facilities. This was followed by an in-depth presentation and discussion of the SUNfarming concept and the services of the Export Initiative Energy project development programme.
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